Ingest your data into Tinybird

Tinybird allows you to ingest your data from a variety of sources, then create Tinybird Data Sources that can be queried, published, materialized, and more.

Get started

Pick your data source, get connected, and start ingesting fast!

If you want to define your schema first, either upload a file with desired schema, create an empty Data Source in the UI (see below), or use the Data Sources API.

If you want to send data straight away and let Tinybird infer the schema (it's smart like that), use one of the many Connectors, or use the Events API.

Create an empty Data Source

On the left-hand nav, select the + icon then "Data Source". Select the "Write schema" option and review the .datasource file that's presented. Make sure you understand the definition and syntax for the schema, engine, partition key, sorting key(s), and TTL - these are all essential for efficient data operations later down the line. The input here is responsive, so for instance if you change the engine, the UI will automatically update with any other definitions you need to provide. Read more about .datafiles in the .datasource file docs.

Edit the .datasource to your specifications then select "Next". Review your column names and types, rename the Data Source, and when you're happy with it, select "Create Data Source".

Upload a file

On the left-hand nav, select the + icon then "Data Source". Select the "File upload" option and either drag & drop or upload a file. Remember, it's got to be a .datasource file type (read more in the .datasource file docs).

Looking for inspiration?

If you're new to Tinybird and looking to learn a simple flow of ingest data > query it > publish an API Endpoint, check out our quick start!